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The Litany for the Captives

The Litany for the Captives

Once a month, on the last Saturday or Sunday, special prayers are offered for the oppressed Christians (CO 83). Unless determined differently, the following litany, existing in the earliest Rituals of the Order, may be used

Lord, have mercy,
Lord, have mercy:
Christ, have mercy,
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy,
Lord, have mercy.

Holy Mary,
     Pray for the captives.
Immaculate Virgin,
Haven of purity,
Citadel of faith,
Channel of graces,
Defender of the oppressed,
Strength of the weak,
Advocate of sinners,
Mother of the Redeemer,
Mother of our race,
Mother of all Christians,
Mother of the captives,
Mother of Mercy,
Help of the needy,
Repose in weariness,
Refuge of the poor,
Health of the sick,
Comfort of the suffering,
Guardian of the forsaken,
Star of sailors,
Beacon in the dark night,
Victory of those who struggle,
Path for the immigrants,
Mother of hope,

From all evil,
    Holy Mother, deliver them.
From every sin,
From degrading servitude,
From the oppression of the mighty,
From hunger and thirst,
From cold and nakedness,
From prison and exile,
From solitude and abandonment,
From tyrannical violence,
From the cruelty of torments,
From falsehood and treason,
From enticement and deceit,
From abandoning their faith,
From the collapse of their hope,
From hatred and vengeance,
From blindness of the mind,

Mother and Vessel of God's Mercy, for all mankind,
We beseech you, hear us.
Mother and Vessel of God's Mercy, for freedom,
We beseech you, hear us.
Mother and Vessel of God's Mercy, that has redeemed us,
We beseech you, hear us.

V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

V. Let us pray: Lord God, you have united Mary, our Mother to the redeeming work of Christ, your Son. Grant to the faithful who are suffering for the sake of your Name, a spirit of patience and charity, that they may always be faithful witnesses of your promises. We ask this through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

The following prayers are from the Ritual of the Order: The Collects of the Votive Masses for: (a) Captive Christians, and (b) Those in Prison. These may be substituted for the Litany for Captives and/or the Litany for the Persecuted Church.

 For Captives

O God, your Son took the condition of a slave to redeem mankind from the slavery of sin; give to those who are captive, because they are your children, the freedom which you grant to all men. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Those In Prison

All-powerful and merciful God, you alone know the inmost secret in the heart of men: You alone know who is righteous, and can justify evildoers. Hear our prayers for your children who are in prison, and enable them to find comfort in their suffering with patience and hope, so they may not be prevented from returning to their families. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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